
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Micah 5 - Like Dew Upon the Nations
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Micah describes the humility of the original King David and his origins. This is why I chose them to be the leaders in the days of the Messiah. The Jewish people scattered among the nations will be as dew and rain that brings the message of God to all the nations. Those that try to resist and refuse to humble themselves before God will be destroyed, while those that learn of God will be redeemed.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Micah 4 - God Brings Peace to All
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
In a prophecy very reminiscent of his contemporary prophet Isaiah, Micah tells us of the day in the future that God will once again reign supreme. The nations of the world will come to Zion to learn His ways, and world peace will be established. We will beat our swords into plowshares, and justice will be the rule of the land. The nations that gloat now over Israel;s destruction don't understand God's ways, but one day they will come to know God. The knigdom of David will be reestablished in Zion.

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Micah 3 - The Leadership is Responsible
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Micah turns his attention to the corrupt leadership. It is your responsibility to know true justice, he tells them. Instead of justice, you are full of bribery and deceit, and you take advantage of those who need justice the most. The corruption includes all levels of leadership, the false prophets who promise good fortunes in return for donations, and the priests who teach "Torah" for a fee. It is because of this corrupt leadership that Jerusalem will fall.

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Micah 2 - No Patience for Arrogance
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Premeditated and planned oppression of others is the worst form of sin. God has no patience for this. You won;t listen to my true prophets, and you mock them, but liars and arrogant people you listen to.

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Micah 1 - God Descends Upon the Earth
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Micah, the prophet from Maresha echoes the prophecies of his contemporaries Hosea and Isaiah as he predicts the destruction of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. The children of Jacob have sinned, and God's wrath will descend upon them.

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Obadiah - The Fall of Edom
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Obadiah tells of the arrogance of Edom, their pride and refusal to recognize God. He tells of their refusal to help their brother Israel, and much worse, how they collaborated with Israel's enemies and celebrated the suffering of their brothers. For this reason Edom will be destroyed, their pride will be struck down. One day, the Jewish people will return to Zion, and Edom and all the other nations who refuse to humble themselves before God will be destroyed.

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Obadiah Introduction - What's the Deal With Edom?
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Some traditions regarding who the prophet Obadiah was, and why he focused his prophecy against the nation of Edom. Why Edom? So many prophets singled out the treachery and evil of the people of Edom. In this introduction we trace the history of Esau's descendents and their enmity with the people of Israel. Their philosophical differences, their jealousy, and their constant fighting despite being the people closest to Israel ethnically and culturally.

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Amos 9 -You Can Hide, but You Will be Found
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
The chapter starts with the frightening and total destruction coming to the people. No matter where you run, God will find you. But the punishment will never be total, God promises. The people will survive, and the righteous will return one day to rebuild the land.

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Amos 8 - Not a Hunger for Food, but for the Word of God
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Amos is shown a vision of a basket of figs, the end of summer fruit. This is a vision of the days at the end of times God says, when I will no longer look past the sins of the people. Oppression of the poor, taking advantage of the underprivileged, this will not be tolerated or overlooked. The very land itself cannot tolerate the lack of justice. The days will come when the land will be overcome with a terrible hunger and thirst, but not for food or water, but thirst for the truth of God. People will wander and search for truth but they won't find it in their wanderings. God is right there inside our hearts, we need not exhaust ourselves searching to the ends of the Earth to find Him.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Amos 7b - Truth to Power
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
The High Priest reports the "rebellious" Amos to the King, and tries to banish Amos from the kingdom. Amos is not afraid, my message is from God, not from me, as I am just a humble shepherd. If you don't take heed to God's message, you will suffer the unfortunate consequences.