
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Joel 2 - Rend Your Hearts, Not Your Clothing
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Joel describes the natural disaster as if an enemy army was conquering the land, but despite the destruction, there is hope. Joel instructs the people to rend their hearts, return to God, and pray together. In their hearts the people will find the right path as God has given them a teacher of righteousness. The people will prosper once again, the nation will be saved.

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Joel 1 - Unity as a Response to Natural Disaster
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
We start a new book of Joel, in which Joel responds to a terrible natural disaster, a plague of locusts that has devastated the entire population. Unity among the classes, approaching God together, is the response prescribed by the prophet. Notably, the prophet refuses to blame wrongdoers or anyone for the calamity, rather he asks everyone to come together before God and pray.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Hosea 14 - Return to God
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
In the stirring final chapter of Hosea's prophecies, we learn of God's eternal love for His people. return to me, as my anger has subsided. My Love for you is generous; be wise and return to God. It is your deeds and words I am looking for, not your sacrifices and gold and silver. If only we understood this ...

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Hosea 13 - Leading the People in the Wrong Direction
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Ephraim stepped up to lead Israel, but led the Northern tribes in exactly the wrong direction. God's anger with the people is vicious, "Let your kings lead you now!," says God. Through God's benevoleance, they grew wealthy, but then they used that wealth to rebel. Worshipping yourselves is what idol worship is. It is worship of wealth, power, and meaningless forms.

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Hosea 12 - Fight Like Jacob
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
God continues to lament the deceiptful behavior of Israel, and asks them to be more like their ancestor Jacob. He fought with the angel, overcame obstacles, and came closer to God. However, you think you can accomplish everything by ignoring God, deceiving others, and making false alliances. The path is easy though, Kindness, Justice, and trust in God is all you really need.

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Hosea 11 - God Will Never Give up on His Child
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
In a stirring prophecy, God remembers His love for His child Israel, and laments how Israel went astray. However giod does not want to destroy them, and promises that one day He will roar like a lion and they will fiollow Him back to their land.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Hosea 10 - My Two Powerful Oxen
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
God bemoans the people that had so so much potential, and they squandered it. Like two beautiful oxen, the people came to the lanbd of Israel. God directed them to plow righteosuness, to sow kondness, to seek God and bring Justice. But in their arrogance they instead ploughed corruption, lies and deceipt.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Hosea 9 - Parties of Corruption
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
"Do not celebrate with the corrupt and immoral nations with whom you have associated yourselves," the prophet begs Israel. How tragic it is that after abandoning God for immorality, you will no longer be able to enjoy the beauty of celebrating with God on His holidays.

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Hosea 8 - Don't Forget What Makes You Special
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
God tells Israel, I taught you my Torah, I am here for you, but instead you look everywhere else. even when you turn to me, you do it with useless sacrifices.

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Hosea 7 - The Baker, The Dove, and The Burnt Cake
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Hosea continues to criticze the people for their lies and deceipt, their pretending to be righteous and the corruption of their leaders. He compares the people of Israel to a baker who prepares his flames and his ovens and then presents it to the people only when it is ready to bake. so to the people in private they sin and lie and steal, but in public they present themselves as if they are righteous. He also compares them to a lost dive who cannot find her way home, and a cake that no one turned so it is useless, burnt on the bottom, and uncooked on top.