
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Isaiah 11b - The Ingathering of the Exiles
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Isaiah describes to us the ingathering of the exiles to rebuild the nation of Judah and Israel. There will be peace among the Jews, and peace between them and the surrounding nations. The entire world will learn and absorb the values of God, peace and justice.

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Isaiah 11a - The Days of The Mashiach (Messiah)
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Isaiah prophecies about the days of the Messiah, when knowledge of God fills the land, and justice and righteousness finally eliminates evil and violence. The wolf shall lie with the lamb, and selfishness is gone.

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Isaiah 10d - The Remnant SHALL Return
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
After Isaiah proclaims the destruction of Assyria. he reassures the nation of Judah that the survivors will return to God, and they will reestablish the kingdom of Judah.

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Isaiah 10c - The strength of my hand, my great wisdom
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
The King of Assyria boasts of his strength and his wisdom, but it is truly only arrogance. Can a stick strike without a man swinging it? So too a nation cannot have strength if not for God. Once you take credit for yourself, your fate is sealed in the eyes of God.

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Isaiah 10b - They are all the same, I can crush them all
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Isaiah turns towards the Assyrians, and towards aggressors and conquerors of history. They don't recognize that everyone and every nation is special, all they see are people that they can crush and destroy. If we understand and appreciate the uniqueness of every person and nation and culture, and understand that they all have a place in God's world, we would never set out to destroy others.

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Isaiah 10a - Which Society will last, which will be destroyed
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Yeshayahu tells us the ultimate test for which societies will forever, and which will fall into the dustbin of history. If there is justice for most vulnerable, that will last forever. If the poor are voiceless and the leadership enriches themselves on the poverty of others, this society is marked for destruction.

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Isaiah 9b - Irredeemable
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
The arrogance of the northern Kingdom has reached a point of no return. Total destruction is predicted by Isaiah.

Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Isaiah 9a - The light will shine through
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Isaiah predicts the ultimate redemption of Judah from the Assyrians. There is a new king, Hezekiah, who will be faithful to God and lead us to independence from Assyria. He will establish a kingdom of justice and righteousness.

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Isaiah 8c - They Just Won't Listen!
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Isaiah is frustrated with the people who just refuse to listen, no matter how obvious it should be. Instead they choose to live and search in the darkness, and rely on sorcery and falsehood instead of God.

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Isaiah 8b - Don't get caught up in the mob
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
God instructs Isaiah not to join in the conspiracies of the crowds. Stay with the truth. Only God holds the truth, safety and refuge are with Him alone.